Cost Optimization

Digital transformation has forced businesses to move to cloud – for the right reasons. However, now they are faced with a new challenge: managing and optimizing their hyperscaler costs. While the cloud offers many benefits, it can also be difficult to control costs, particularly for businesses that are new to the cloud.

At Nubeways, we specialize in helping businesses in the North American market control and optimize their hyperscaler costs. Controlling your costs could happen in some of the following ways:

  1. Cost Optimization: Our team of cloud experts can analyze your cloud infrastructure to identify areas where costs can be reduced. This may involve identifying unused resources, resizing instances, or leveraging cost-saving features such as spot instances.
  2. Rightsizing: We can help you rightsize your cloud infrastructure to ensure that you are using the right amount of resources for your workloads. This involves finding the sweet spot between performance and cost, which can help you save money without sacrificing performance.
  3. Reserved Instances: We can help you take advantage of reserved instances, which can offer significant cost savings over on-demand instances. Our team can analyze your workload patterns to determine the optimal mix of reserved and on-demand instances for your needs.
  4. Cloud Billing Management: We can help you manage your cloud billing and provide you with clear, easy-to-understand reports on your cloud spending. This can help you identify areas where costs can be reduced and optimize your spending over time.
  5. Cost Allocation: We can help you allocate costs across different departments, teams, and projects within your organization. This can help you understand where your cloud spending is going and make informed decisions about where to allocate resources in the future.
  6. Cloud Cost Governance: We can help you establish policies and governance around cloud spending to ensure that costs are controlled and optimized over time. This can involve setting up approval workflows, establishing spending limits, and providing training to your teams.
  7. Cloud Cost Visibility: We can provide you with visibility into your cloud spending at a granular level, so you can see exactly where your money is going. This can help you identify areas where costs can be reduced and optimize your spending over time.

At Nubeways, we are committed to helping our customers control and optimize their hyperscaler costs. With our expertise in cloud cost management and optimization, we can help you achieve your cloud objectives while minimizing your costs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you optimize your cloud spending.